Monday, January 17, 2011

Week Three Weight Loss

This pictures cracks me up!

 I was dreading writing this post today because I only lost one pound. But, I came across this picture, and it made my day! I have to have a sense of humor in this whole weight loss process because all too easily, I get depressed, stressed, and start eating again when I see no real changes. I'm totally an emotional/stress eater!

I'm finding out by trial and error what is working, and what isn't. Mainly error! I'm having a hard time balancing all of my motherly/wifely duties with working out. Do I do a load of laundry or workout? Usually, I end up cleaning because I like for Eric to come home to a clean house, or at least somewhat clean with all of our kiddos!! This week I did work out on our eliptical while doing BSF. It was interesting, but it worked.

Tonight I was walking down the stairs with Brandt and fell HARD! I held on tight to my little baby, and landed right on my rear. Now I feel like an old lady, hobbling around! It's a bit discouraging knowing that I won't be able to work out for a couple of days, but I'm not going to give up that easily! I've already got our menu planned for the week, and if I stick with that I'll be just fine! Hopefully, "YIKES!" won't end up on my scale next week!! :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Parksdale Farms, November 2010 - Strawberry King

This little guy holds such a special place in my heart. I love that he is able to talk, and communicate with us. It's a whole different level of being a parent that is just so wonderful. I had a hard time with Zane growing up. I wanted to keep him a baby, and then a toddler. Now he is a big boy, and I would have it no other way. It seems that every stage, as he grows, is the most fun stage. I cherish my time with him so much. I enjoy talking, and listening to him as he shares his world with me.

Saturday, Zane and I were talking, and he was being extremely animated. So animated, that he poked me in the eye! He said, "I'm sorry, Mommy! I have pretty sharp fingers, huh! If some kids are being mean to you, you should poke them in the eye!" Oh, Zane...LOL

Later on I went to the grocery store, and I was telling Zane all that I had gotten. I remembered him telling me that he eats raisins at school, so I picked some up for him. When I showed him the box he said matter of factly, "I like raisins. They make me sweet like you, Mommy!"  Love him!!

Batman and Robin - Halloween 2010

I'm ready for the day that Eric and I can share conversations with Jaxon. He is SO close!! He is learning new words every day, and is putting them together in sentences. My favorite things he says are "I love you Mommy/Daddy!", "To infinity, and beyond!", "Cool Daddy!", "My Mommy!". He also loves to sing songs. Right now his favorites are: The B-I-B-L-E; Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star; Batman Song (nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana BATMAN!!!);and the Jaxon Song. 

Paul's Shrimp House, Tarpon Springs, FL - Decemer 2010

I can't leave my little man out!! He is babbling up a storm!! His favorite things to say are: "MaMa," and "BaBa," with lots of gurgly noises mixed in! What a cutie!!

I love my boys so much!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Child-Like Faith

Tonight I sat down with my two oldest boys Zane (3yrs) and Jaxon (almost 2yrs). Jaxon sat there with his new Buzz lightyear that BooBoo and BaBa (grandma/pa) got him and started singing a song that I recognized...

Holy, Holy, Holy

Lord God Almighty

Early in the Morning....

As he repeated those three lines over and over, Zane caught on and started to sing with him adding a little melody. It was neat, to hear my boys sing such a great old hymn about God like that. Most of the times the songs are silly nursery rhymes, or simple like Trust and Obey... but this song is different it teaches the boys about who God is... he is Holy.

I can't take credit for that... my family has been in a Bible study for several years that is now in Isaiah this year, and that song was written out of a passage in Isaiah 6 so naturally the kids department has used that in their teaching (mostly because there is a lack of preschoolers that read with any proficiency).

That song started a 20 min conversation with Zane about God... how neat... if you've never had a conversation with a 3yr old about God you really dont understand the passage in Mark 10:13-16 where Jesus rebuked the disciples for keeping some children away from him. Talking to a 3yr old about God is so incredibly neat... Zane for instance has many questions about God ... many of the same questions we adults have like... "Dad, why can't I see God or Jesus?"... or ... "Are God and Jesus the same?" ... or ... "How can I talk to God." ... he doesn't know the answers to these questions, and yet there is no doubt in his mind whether God exists.

In this day and age we are taught: to question everything, that truth is different for everyone, and no religion has all the answers ... and yet Zane in his mind has all the same questions, and yet his faith is not rocked.... why is that?

I was reading in Romans 1 and Paul does a pretty good job of breaking it down:

18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.[i] 19 They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. 20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

21 Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. 22 Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools.

-Romans 1:18-22 (NLT)

That is what Paul wrote nearly 2000 yrs ago, and yet it still holds true today. All men know God exist, and yet it seems easier to question that than to be accountable for what he has given us in the Bible. Look around at the obvious truth of this world... God created it. Behold it! Enjoy it! Drink in the idea of God's word in the beginning, creating all the majesty of this beautiful planet. Then say to yourself that a few simple unanswered questions are worth denying the existence of such a powerful being.

For those of you struggling with questions about God, I don't mean to belittle your struggles. I understand, we all have questions and doubts. I encourage you to discover the truth. Don't take some one else's word about God ... find out for yourself... read the Bible. You'll find many people in the Bible that had doubts. Just remember this passage in your study of the scriptures for answers: 

Matt 7:7  "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

And for the rest of us, remember why God has left us here on this earth. It's not to live good lives, or to save for retirement. It's to proclaim the Good News (Gospel) of Jesus Christ. I will leave you with this reminder from Paul:

16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.[g] 17 This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.”

Romans 1:16-17 (NLT)

written by Eric on Tiffy's blog .. she is so nice to give me my own day on her blog

Monday, January 10, 2011

Week Two Weight Loss

Drumroll, please!! This week I have lost a total of 3 pounds!!! I know that doesn't seem like a whole lot but, I am proud of myself! This week was filled with sneezing, coughing, and many kleenex boxes! So I only worked out one night. Yikes!!! Oh, my birthday was yesterday, so I had cake. Lots of cake!! My mom and dad sent me a box of presents with a box of cake mix and icing, so we enlisted Zane and Jaxon to help make it.

Woody and Robin LOVED the icing! They are good helpers!

My lovely sister-in-law Michelle also made me a cake. It was the cutest cake ever!!

This was a tiramisu cake made to look like a cup of coffee!!

So, as you can see I was sidetracked by these delicious cakes!! It doesn't count if it's your birthday, right?! My sweet tooth got the best of me, but tomorrow's a new day!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Disney World 2010

Here are some of my favorite pictures of when we went to Disney World in November. The weather was perfect, and we had a great time! We will definitely be going back!!

Our first family trip to Disney World

Even Brandt had fun at Disney World! Enjoying lunch...

Look at the joy on his little face!

Eating a Mickey Mouse ice cream!

Love this one!

They weren't too sure about Pinocchio

Buzz Lightyear "The coolest toy ever!!"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

'Dup' Tape

Yesterday I was quite sick, so rather than blogging, I slept. It was wonderful, and honestly I need some more. I've got a nasty head cold that's been making its way around the house. My dear husband graciously shared it with me. Gosh, I love him!! I really do! He's been so sweet - taking care of me, and making sure that the boys take care of me as well. It's nice being the only girl in the house. I am very well taken care of!

Well, I have a great story to share tonight! This happened earlier in the week just after naptime. I was in the laundry room switching over the clothes when I heard, "Mommy! Jaxon went poo poo on the floor!" Instantly, I'm thinking oh my goodness! Not again! (Jaxon is ready to be potty trained, and has been taking off his pants and diaper right after he's gone potty or right before he goes potty) So I walked into the living room, and sure enough he had pooped on the floor. GROSS! I cleaned up Jaxon and the floor then resumed doing the laundry. Zane then walked in and grabbed a roll of duck tape that was sitting on the dryer and said,"Mom, I think it's time to get the dup tape for Jaxon!" Zane was wanting me to 'dup' tape Jaxon's diaper on him so he wouldn't take it off! How funny is that! Zane is one smart little guy!!

Our life is so crazy and fun! And I wouldn't have it any other way. Eric and I are so incredibly blessed to have Zane, Jaxon, and Brandt in our lives. It's a privilege being their mother! Be looking for some pictures tomorrow!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Few Thoughts on Blogs

This is about the weirdest thing I can think of doing at the end of a long day... blogging

Some people blog to keep track of their life and so they wont loose their memories.  Others write to show the whole world how awesome they are or how funny or smart they can be on the internet.  Others write to explain almost anything from politics to sports to religion to hollywood gossip.  Others write how-tos on almost anything ... the other day Tiffy showed me a blog where this lady made homemade lotion...

And I hope to write for all those reasons, because i don't want to forget how awesome i am at explaining how to cover all aspects of blogging.  (now were talking!!!)

This whole thing seems a little crazy to me but on the other hand I kind of like it. there's just something strangely entertaining about writing for a totally open forum, nobody will probably see it outside your small group of friends and family but then again you never know... and there's no immediate consequence, rebuttal, or even just a simple response.

I am sorry to all who read this very first blog of mine (if you don't count my xanga page from back in hs)
I can't promise they will be any better than this one but I will promise to have something prepared.  Maybe that way there can be progress.

you stay classy san diego.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Week One Weight Loss

Well, my goal is to lose 30ish pounds. After I had Brandt, I lost weight but it came back on SO quickly. It didn't help that I had a sweet tooth during my pregnancy. That being said, I'm going to stay away from sweets, and eat lots of veggies and fruits, with lean meat, and very little bread. Oh, I need to exercise too!! I'm excited to dig out my workout dvds again. I have some really fun ones! Eric got me the Wii Zumba fitness game for an early birthday present and I can't wait to do it! We just have to find the controls for the Wii (Some little rascals like to hide  I'm going to weigh myself each Monday and record my progress. I think this is a good way for me to stay accountable. I'm ready to look and feel better.  Now time to get up and workout.... :D

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Well, this is my first blog post! I thought this would be a fun way to document our life for not only me, but for family and friends who don't live close by. I'm going to do a different themed post every day to keep it interesting. So here's the break down:

Monday: Weight Loss Update - I am going to stay accountable on here! I will share all of my ups and downs. Hopefully more downs than ups!
Tuesday: Eric's Day! He will be sharing whatever is on his mind for the will be interesting! I love him!!
Wednesday: Story Day - I will share funny stories or comments that were made by the boys during the week.
Thursday: Free Day - Ok...I couldn't decide if I wanted to share recipes or something different. It's hard to categorize our life into five days! Anything goes on Thursdays!
Friday: Picture Day - I will upload pictures of the boys every Friday!! How exciting!! :)

Saturdays and Sundays are spent as a family and are always super busy! That being said, I most likely won't blog on the weekends. Well, I am very excited for this! I'm sure you can tell from all of the exclamation marks that I've made! Happy reading!!