Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Parksdale Farms, November 2010 - Strawberry King

This little guy holds such a special place in my heart. I love that he is able to talk, and communicate with us. It's a whole different level of being a parent that is just so wonderful. I had a hard time with Zane growing up. I wanted to keep him a baby, and then a toddler. Now he is a big boy, and I would have it no other way. It seems that every stage, as he grows, is the most fun stage. I cherish my time with him so much. I enjoy talking, and listening to him as he shares his world with me.

Saturday, Zane and I were talking, and he was being extremely animated. So animated, that he poked me in the eye! He said, "I'm sorry, Mommy! I have pretty sharp fingers, huh! If some kids are being mean to you, you should poke them in the eye!" Oh, Zane...LOL

Later on I went to the grocery store, and I was telling Zane all that I had gotten. I remembered him telling me that he eats raisins at school, so I picked some up for him. When I showed him the box he said matter of factly, "I like raisins. They make me sweet like you, Mommy!"  Love him!!

Batman and Robin - Halloween 2010

I'm ready for the day that Eric and I can share conversations with Jaxon. He is SO close!! He is learning new words every day, and is putting them together in sentences. My favorite things he says are "I love you Mommy/Daddy!", "To infinity, and beyond!", "Cool Daddy!", "My Mommy!". He also loves to sing songs. Right now his favorites are: The B-I-B-L-E; Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star; Batman Song (nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana BATMAN!!!);and the Jaxon Song. 

Paul's Shrimp House, Tarpon Springs, FL - Decemer 2010

I can't leave my little man out!! He is babbling up a storm!! His favorite things to say are: "MaMa," and "BaBa," with lots of gurgly noises mixed in! What a cutie!!

I love my boys so much!!

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