Friday, April 13, 2012

Boy Crazy!

Today at Kelly's Korner, moms of all boys are linking up! I thought it would join in on the boy fun!!

We have three little men in our family! They are very close in age, and we wouldn't have it any other way! Life is crazy, messy, and very loud...but so much fun! I love having superheroes save me every day, exploring nature and bugs, and having little gentlemen hold the door open for me. They are sweet, precious little boys that will one day grow to be men, husbands, and fathers. I am so blessed, and honored that God chose me to be their mom, and allow me to raise them to be Godly men.

Zane is four. He is a bit shy, filled with compassion, and very meticulous. He is very much a leader, and loves to help his brothers. He likes dressing up as superheroes, building things, and playing games. He has recently started to like milk, and his favorite pizza is veggie! He is so sweet!

Jaxon is three. This little guy could make friends with anyone! He loves to be in the spotlight, and is so vibrant and passionate about life! He is also as stubborn as they come! You can find him creating, and coloring on anything he can find (yes, our walls!!). He is such a joy!

Brandt will be two next month, and he is my little helper. He loves playtime with his brothers, but his favorite times are beside mom and dad helping! He loves to sing songs, and pretend to be animals. This kid can eat (and of course he has food in his mouth in this picture!). Brandt has never turned down food, even sour kraut! He is such a boy!!

Zane, Jaxon, and Brandt are best friends. They have never remembered a time without each other! They have silly inside jokes, and finish each other's sentences. They are happy, silly, and very playful boys.

"Of all my toys I have to play, I'd choose my brothers any day."

"Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero."-Marc Brown

"Pockets full of pebbles, bear hugs & worn out knees. Cookie crumbs & kisses, my boy is made of these."

There is just something very special about being a mama to boys. They love me, cherish me, protect me, help me, and show me such a sweet side to their rough and tumble nature. I am boy crazy!!!


Katherine said...

Your boys are soo cute. It's nice read about other boy mom of 3.

Helen Joy said...

Oh they are just precious! I love the one with the ties! I have two little boys and I completely agree. It's very special!

Unknown said...

They are so precious! I love the picture with the Spiderman buckets! I have 2 boys and am hoping for a third!

Susan said...

Awww...your sons are ADORABLE!!! I'm the mom of 5 grown sons♥ Enjoy these days...

kellimoss said...

Oh my, your little guys are so cute! I also have 3 boys...almost 4, 2.5 and 3 months. Wouldn't have it any other way! Have a great weekend :)

Erica said...

oh my life your boys are just too cute! i also have 3 boys- yay for the 3 boy club. i wouldn't change it for the world. your middle boy, jaxon, sounds just like my middle boy, nolan! we have caught nolan SEVERAL times drawing on the walls in our home ;)

Summer said...

Visiting from Kelly's Korner! Your boys are so cute! My boys are 2.5 and 9 months. Love reading about other moms with young boys!

Lily Dawn said...

Your boys are absolutely adorable!! Love the pictures :) I have 3 as well and another on the way!

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