Friday, April 13, 2012

Boy Crazy!

Today at Kelly's Korner, moms of all boys are linking up! I thought it would join in on the boy fun!!

We have three little men in our family! They are very close in age, and we wouldn't have it any other way! Life is crazy, messy, and very loud...but so much fun! I love having superheroes save me every day, exploring nature and bugs, and having little gentlemen hold the door open for me. They are sweet, precious little boys that will one day grow to be men, husbands, and fathers. I am so blessed, and honored that God chose me to be their mom, and allow me to raise them to be Godly men.

Zane is four. He is a bit shy, filled with compassion, and very meticulous. He is very much a leader, and loves to help his brothers. He likes dressing up as superheroes, building things, and playing games. He has recently started to like milk, and his favorite pizza is veggie! He is so sweet!

Jaxon is three. This little guy could make friends with anyone! He loves to be in the spotlight, and is so vibrant and passionate about life! He is also as stubborn as they come! You can find him creating, and coloring on anything he can find (yes, our walls!!). He is such a joy!

Brandt will be two next month, and he is my little helper. He loves playtime with his brothers, but his favorite times are beside mom and dad helping! He loves to sing songs, and pretend to be animals. This kid can eat (and of course he has food in his mouth in this picture!). Brandt has never turned down food, even sour kraut! He is such a boy!!

Zane, Jaxon, and Brandt are best friends. They have never remembered a time without each other! They have silly inside jokes, and finish each other's sentences. They are happy, silly, and very playful boys.

"Of all my toys I have to play, I'd choose my brothers any day."

"Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero."-Marc Brown

"Pockets full of pebbles, bear hugs & worn out knees. Cookie crumbs & kisses, my boy is made of these."

There is just something very special about being a mama to boys. They love me, cherish me, protect me, help me, and show me such a sweet side to their rough and tumble nature. I am boy crazy!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

No Shampoo Challenge!

I was reading through the blogs that I follow, and came across this post from my friend, Lorissa. For one month, she is shedding her shampoo! I decided since Eric, and I were dieting the entire month of April, why not do this as well! Here's how it's been going...

Day One- I probably used WAY too much of the baking soda, and apple cider vinegar, but my hair looks great! It feels clean, and soft. It's not as shiny as it normally is, though.

Day Two- I decided to wash my hair again the evening of day one, and let it air dry overnight in a bun. I DO NOT like oily hair. I was curious to see how it would turn out in the morning. It was slightly oily, but not enough to wear my hair up.

Day Three- I washed my hair in the morning, and it was SO oily after I dried it. I wore my hear up! But on the plus side, I didn't have to tease it that much! I think I need to get into a routine of every other day washing...

Day Four- I thought that all the oil might be from washing my hair everyday, so I put my hair in a bun. It lasted until the afternoon, and I couldn't take it anymore. After I dried my hair, it was still oily!! :(

Day Five- I washed my hair in the morning, and decided to wear it curly. I used the ACV as a leave in conditioner. My hair improved! I actually wore it down!

Day Six- I washed my hair in the morning, and it wasn't too oily. I wore my hair up.

Day Seven- I seriously contemplated using normal shampoo because of it being Easter. Who wants yucky hair, with a great outfit?! I pushed through, and had semi-oily hair, and wore it half up. The good things is that my hair has had so much volume!

Day Eight-I washed my hair in the morning, dried it and it was super oily. I washed it again, and the same. By this time I was so frustrated, I used normal shampoo. So much for commitment!

I couldn't seem to get the right combination down for my hair. With three little ones, I was spending way too long washing, drying, then fixing my hair every day. Sometimes twice in a morning!  I did notice that my hair had so much volume naturally, and my hair was curlier! Another positive is that I am now washing my hair every other day, instead of everyday. My hair isn't as oily as it used to be!! So, I think it is something definitely worth trying again...when I have the patience, and time to get it right!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Yes, Lord

Today, Zane, and Jaxon were in the back seat having an argument discussion about the toys they were holding on the way home from BSF. Jaxon wanted Zane's toy. Zane told him, "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit!" I was then helping them to sort everything out - attitudes, bossiness, crying - when it hit me.

God spoke. He used those words my little four year old had said to his brother to speak to my heart. All of the noise around me faded, and I had such a wonderful moment with God.

I have struggled with contentment specifically in a few different areas of my life. Sometimes things are going great, and it's not even an issue. Some days the devil really uses little lies to really creep into my mind, and grow. Sometimes it grows, and grows until I become angry and bitter. Sometimes I question God, and myself.

This year I have really started growing in my relationship with God. He has shown me so many things through His word, and prayer. I have made a lot of changes in my life, and have been challenged greatly to live for Him. So, when the issues come into my mind, it is a battle. Satan sneaks in a lie. I come back with Truth. Over, and over.

I have really been praying that through God, I would defeat these mind games. He quickly began to answer! Something was on my mind a couple weeks ago. I prayed about it, and went about my day. Later when talking to Eric, I tried so hard to remember that struggling thought, so we could talk, and work through it, and I couldn't remember it at all! I can always remember things that have hurt me, or bad thoughts unfortunately. But God took it away!! He has also been using different people to be an encouragement to me through their words, and comments. All of this to start changing my heart, mind, and attitude.

So back to today, back to my four year old, back to his precious words. God used those words to say, "Tiffany, let these things go. I am in control. My ways are so much better than your ways." And my reply? "Yes. Lord."

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dear Baby

I have really enjoyed talking with my sister-in-law Michelle lately!! She is pregnant with her first baby, and finding out soon what they are having! I have very much loved hearing about the baby, and everything that comes along! It is such an exciting time in her, and Wesley's lives, and I am so excited that we get to share in that! We all have our fingers crossed for a girl, but a boy would be so much fun too!! Every time Jaxon sees his Aunt Michelle, he asks if she still has the baby in her tummy! He also told her that she was going to have a boy, "a baby Jaxon!" Zane hasn't decided if he would like a boy or girl cousin yet. And Brandt is oblivious :)

I am so overjoyed to become an Aunt, and I know Eric feels the same about being an Uncle. I see how much our boys love all of their Aunts, and Uncles. It is such a special bond they have!! I pray this bond will always stay strong with them all. It will be so wonderful to have another baby in our family, another blessing from God!


Dear Niece or Nephew,
We are so excited to have you join the Stewart family in a few short months! You are unbelievably loved already. You are a hot topic around our house these days, with three cousins eagerly awaiting your arrival! If you are a girl, you have three big boy cousins ready to protect you, love on you, and treat you like the princess that you are! If you are a boy, get ready for pirate adventures, superheroes, and tons of boy fun! Either way, Zane, Jaxon, and Brandt can hardly wait!!

Baby boy or girl, God chose the perfect parents for you. They love God, each other, and you so much. They will always love you unconditionally, and teach you how to become the man or woman that God has made you to be. We can't wait to see them as parents.  We pray that you would continue to grow strong, and healthy in your mommy's tummy! I heard that they just started to feel you kicking! 

We have said this so many times, but you are loved, baby!! We can't wait to see you, hold you, and give you lots of hugs & kisses! You will bring so much joy, and happiness to our family!!

Aunt Tiffany & Uncle Eric