Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Happy New Year!!

This is going to be a year of change for our family. To be honest, I'm a bit intimidated. We haven't made any New Year resolutions, we decided to have a life overhaul! There are many areas of life that have lacked focus, intent, self-control, consistency, or discipline. Eric, and I have given those areas of life over to God. We are failures on our own, but we know that through God we can be where we need to be.

That being said, here are a couple of things I'm going to work on:

1. Grow, and deepen my relationship with God.

Time, and time again I have pushed God aside for my selfish desires, or motherly duties. I have chosen to spend the boys' nap time on Facebook or Pinterest when I hadn't even spent time with God. I have felt life spiraling out of control because I have not been living out my relationship with God. I am so thankful that His grace and mercies are new everyday! Today, and everyday I pray that I am intentional in loving God, spending time in prayer, and God's word, and honoring Him with my life and actions.

2. Eat better, and exercise more!

I am so tired of feeling blah, and looking even more blah! Today we started eating Paleo, or you may have heard it called the 'caveman diet.' Basically, you eat meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts & seeds. Sounds primitive, right?! I found some great websites through Pinterest with recipes that look delicious. And as a bonus, they are very kid friendly! I've read person after person rave about how good they feel when they have made this lifestyle change. What sold me was a few ladies telling of their children's eczema clearing up! I know Brandt has flareups due to certain foods he eats, but I've never been able to pinpoint it. With us eating dairy-free, and gluten-free his little body will be able to get rid of the toxins, and hopefully as I reintroduce things to him I can figure it out! I'll update some with how we are doing!

3. Be more organized!

This area just flat out needs attention! With three little boys running around, I need everything to be in order and running smoothly (for everyone's sanity!). Laundry has always been the hardest for me to keep up with, but I just implemented a new system that I think will work wonders! As long as I am consistent... :)

4. Document our life more!

I always have good intentions, but never keep up with documenting life. Oh, I have tons of pictures...but they are all on the computer or SD card. I really want to start documenting our daily happenings, and funny things the boys say. They are getting bigger, and I so badly want to remember this time of life.

5. Stop letting things, and people get to me.

I have been very bad about letting circumstances or people rule my mind. To the point of just thinking about something in particular will dictate my attitude for the rest of the day. It's not good for me, or my family. I have been in a lot of prayer about this, and it's so wonderful the peace that God will give when you allow Him to. I am memorizing this verse this month:

Here's to a new year filled with love, spent honoring God, and serving others!

1 comment:

Jen said...

You are such a beautiful person! SO excited to see what God has in store for you this year!

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